HUMANBULB has partnered with Startup World Cup to organize multiple regional competitions in 2024 in the US and internationally…including the Orange County/Los Angeles Regional taking place on April 30, 2024 at The Cove at UCI Beall Applied Innovation.
Regional competition winners go on to compete in the Global Grand Finale Semifinals and Final in San Francisco in October 2024 completing against the winners of 70+ regional competitions around the world for a $1 million investment prize!
Startup World Cup is a global competition with 70+ regional competitions around the world that was started in 2017 where the winner at the Global Grand Finale receives a $1 million USD investment. Speakers for this prestigious event have included:
Reid Hoffman, Founding CEO of LinkedIn
Steve Wozniak, Co-Founder of Apple
Vinod Khosla, Founder of Khosla Ventures and Co-Founder of Sun Microsystems
Adam Cheyer, Co-Founder of Siri
John Chambers, Former CEO of Cisco
Ray Lane, Former President & COO, Oracle
Marc Randolph, Co-Founder of Netflix
Spencer Rascoff, Co-Founder of Zillow
Kevin O’Leary of ABC’s Shark Tank
Barbara Corcoran of ABC’s Shark Tank
Tekedra Mawakana, Co-CEO of Waymo
Lidia Fonseca, CTO of Pfizer
Thomas Dohmke, CEO of GitHub
Thuan Phan, CTO of Coupan and former CTO of Uber
Marianna Tessel, CTO, Intuit
Nikesh Arora, Chairman & CEO of Palo Alto Networks and former COO of Softbank
Marcelo Claure, Chief Operating Officer, Softbank
Tim Westergren, Founder and Former CEO, Pandora
Jay Vijayan, Former CIO of Tesla
Sri Shivananda, CTO of PayPal
Terry Jones, Founding Chairman, Kayak